Instructors: Xavier Haurie (SOS volunteer) with help from Sara Bursac
(ROCA), and other friends.
This is going to be fun! no tests. no lectures.
We're working on getting books for the class or producing printed notes.
I'm also going to list resources on the internet.
Location, Schedule, Attendees
Location: Computer Lab (ground floor) ROCA, Chelsea.
We're up to 17 students in two sessions.
November 11:
November 18: 4pm and 6pm
November 25: no class (Thanksgiving holiday)
December 2: 4pm and 6pm
December 9: 4pm and 6pm
December 16: 4pm and 6pm
December 23: to be determined
Students in the 4pm session:
Simon B.
Simon M.
David G.
Students in the 6pm session:
Peter G.
David L.
(space for one more student)
What We'll Learn About
We'll learn about things like:
what is a computer, and what does a computers do?
What are the Internet, the web,
email, word
processors, printers?
What re they used for? How does one use them?
Note: all the words in orange have
a special meaning when talking about computers. One of the objectives of
the course is to learn their meaning.
Sounds complicated? It can be, until you get used to it. Then it will be
simple. We'll do it step by step so the students never feel lost.
I think we'll cover the following topics, but you can all tell me what
you want to do instead, at any time. Also, we don't need to stick to this
order, and we can cover the same topic again if needed.
Part 1: using a computer for the very first
question: what is your experience with computers?
question: what do you want to do with a computer?
turning the computer on
using the mouse (moving,
clicking, selecting,
dragging, dropping)
activity: the "folder race"
all the icons on the screen,
what do they mean?
starting a program (notepad)
using the keyboard to type a short
saving the text in a file
exiting the program
opening the file again
modifying the text and saving it again
activity: "passing the bucket" (if network allows it)
printing the text
turning the computer off
perspective: what's the difference between a file
and a program?
perspective: all computers are not identical!
perspective: so what can one do with a computer? it depends on the
programs that are installed on it.
Part 2: using the web
for the very first time
question: what do you know about the web?
question: what do you expect to find on the web?
starting a web browser (Internet
looking at a web page
what do all the icons, buttons
and messages on the browser mean?
what are all the things on the web page? (links,
images, text, buttons, forms)
surfing the web using the mouse
activity: finding "leaf" pages
saving (and printing) a web page
going to a specific place on the web using a URL
what are good starting points for surfing? (yahoo,
google, etc.)
finding information on the web using search
activity: pick a topic and find as many facts about that topic as
there are students in the class. Make a single folder with all the web
pages saved in it.
reading the news on the web
activity: find as many versions of the same news story as possible
perspective: where you get your information influences what information
you get
what are places where one can access
the Internet (libraries, internet cafes, friends)
perspective: what's the difference between the Internet
and the web?
perspective: there are billions of web pages
perspective: the quality of information on the web varies a lot
perspective: webbed services (banking, shopping, etc.)
Part 3: using web based email
question: how many persons outside of the Boston area do you communicate
with each week?
getting a web email account
sending email to someone's email address
saving mail for later and printing email
receiving and reading email
forwarding and quoting
received email
activity: "passing the bucket" (this time with email). Send the
final email to the volunteers list.
sending a web page or a link by email
subscribing to a mailing
list (the SOS-computers mailing list!)
sending email to a mailing list
unsubscribing from a mailing list
perspective: what do people use email for?
perspective: what are mailing lists useful for?
perspective: "netiquette"
Part 4: some basic "office" skills
question: how many computers do you see in a single day, at work
and elsewhere? who uses them?
keyboard skills: how to type faster
activity: typing your name without looking, until you get it right!
writing a letter using a word processor
printing the letter
maybe: doing simple things using a spreadsheet
copying files to a diskette
reading a CD-ROM
Part 5: fun stuff
many different kinds of games
playing an audio CD
listening to music on the web
Part 6: how to use the Internet from home?
one needs a computer with a modem
one needs a telephone line
getting an account with an Internet
Service Provider
setting up the connection
connecting the computer to the Internet
closing the connection
Part 7: caring for your home computer
good habits to have so your computer will keep working
what if things go wrong?
finding things on your computer
"cleaning" your computer (literally, and figuratively)
Advanced topics (we will try to cover some of them)
creating and hosting a web
doing more things with a word processor
doing more things with a spreadsheet
installing software
What We Have Learned About
so Far
Part 1: using a computer for the very first time
question: what is your experience with computers?
question: what do you want to do with a computer?
terminology: hard drive, monitor/screen/display, keyboard, mouse, desktop
using the mouse (moving,
clicking, selecting)
opening and closing windows
the "Cancel" button
the "My Computer" icon
creating a new text file (using the right mouse button)
starting a notepad
using the keyboard to type a short
saving the text in a file
exiting the program
printing the text
perspective: all computers are not identical!
perspective: things one do with a computer: design print material
(letters, documents, posters, etc.), search for information on the web,
send email, create web sites and mailing lists, run an office or a factory
Additional Resources
Access to the Computer Lab:
ROCA's computer lab can be used by individual students on weekday afternoons.
Enquire with Sara Bursac for exact times.
Teaching materials:
Learning to use Internet Explorer 5 (meant for highschool but great for
Free Hardware?
David Chanoff said the University of New Hampshire may be able
to donate used computers to us. If that happens we'll be able to equip
many more apartments with their own computer. I am looking into it.
Help outside the classroom
I'll make myself available for house calls! Getting a computer to run
and keeping it in working order can sometimes be tricky. And sometimes
you may just want a simple answer to a simple question. You can contact
me by telephone or by email: